Owl's Head, Maine
Okay folks, two weeks until phase two of our journey around the country. I'm sick of rolling out pizzas, Zach is sick of delivering them, and hell if I can ever eat a pizza again. Check please! But hey, Maine has been good to us and I still can't believe that I've been lucky enough to experience a New England autumn. Zach has rediscovered his love of mountain biking and taught me a few things along the way, I've started
sewing again and have some really awesome ideas for this winter, and Black Dog has met new friends and learned how to ride beside a bike without a leash. How can anyone complain?
So here we go, off to explore the wondrous West together with dreams in our heads, passion in our hearts, and a little cash in our pockets. And Black Dog running in circles around us, of course. I've been to the Rockies, but I've always flown and was never there to stay for more than three months. I have to admit that I've been hoping for this opportunity since I got back from
NOLS and I'm so happy to be taking advantage of it with the someone I've dreaming of for as long as I can remember. We hope to build the house bus while we're out there, so that we can
Furthur grow and explore the little bit of American countryside that is rapidly disappearing.
Thanks to all of you for knowing in your hearts that we can do anything we put our minds to. Thanks to all of you for believing in us and offering your support even when we got some crazy, hair brained idea in our heads. Thanks, to all of you, for accepting us for who we were in the past, are in the present, and will be in the future.
With love and happiness and cheers and high fives and dreams and wishes and hugs and kisses and kindness and heartiness and kindheartedness and care and hope, we toast to this adventure. The next time I post here, the gears will be in motion with no notion of stopping.
Bozeman or bust.
"... the bus came by and I got on, that's when it all began ... there was
Cowboy Neal at the wheel of a bus to never-ever land ..." -Good 'Ol Grateful Dead