(Please note that we load the pictures smaller on purpose. We know it takes a lot of time to load them if you're not on a fast connection and we want everyone to have a chance to see them! If you would like to see the photos larger, simply click on the picture and VOILA! Thanks!)
part two
It took us TEN HOURS to tape, sand, clean, and paint the bus and a couple of hours the next day to finish up a couple of things. Since we painted it with a brush (airbrushing would have been SOOO expensive) we'll have to go back and fix a couple of spots. We used a Rustoleum-type industrial paint and so far so good! We're heading to town on Monday to get a tire replaced and fill up the gas tank ... we're already getting ready for our trip back to Montana! We plan to leave here after the first week of October. We really wanted to make a road trip out of it but may have to just take our time on the straight road back. Oh well! We definitely have a place to park the bus this winter and Zach has a job that he will be returning to when we get back. I'm not sure what I'm going to do just yet. We've got some major winterizing to do before the snows hit, so that will keep us busy once we start getting those good paychecks again. Until then, we'll simply enjoy the beautiful lake right outside and get the most we can out of the upcoming fall season!
Kelly and Zach
Kelly and Zach
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